Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Welcome to the Young Adult Group at Saltwater Church!

It is such a pleasure to be the coordinator for the Young Adult Group at Saltwater Church in Des Moines, WA. We are a group of 21-35ish people from all walks of life who come together at least once a month for fellowship and fun.

We have many great plans this year which include camping trips, volunteer work, candle light and conversation, hosting a service, game nights and outings. There will be childcare available for all our events, so people with children are welcome to come!

Our first event of the year was a big hit. We had an informal meet and greet, which included a potluck and white elephant gift exchange! Although no blood was shed, a slight war over a flaming chalice painting might be the cause of revenge!

We welcome all those who come in the spirit of good faith!


Lyndit said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! I feel like a bum not joining in. Next time! :) Lots of little ones, are dogs allowed? That is all I have in the way of children.

Daniel, Lisa and Owen said...

I had a GREAT time meeting you all and can't wait for the Ninja Santa Claus!