Come one come all to the Young Adult Service, July 19th 2009 at 10am! The topic will be Universal Pain. Lots of yummy food and great music. You don't want to miss it!
Recently, the YAG group got together and played a little bingo. It was an interesting way to spend a Wednesday night, and pretty inexpensive too! Everyone had a great time!
We are a vibrant and diverse group of Unitarians living in South King County between the ages of 18-35, who get together at least monthly for social events as well as volunteer opportunities. We as a group are looking to build stronger relationships with other young, religiously liberal people, as well as find ways to donate time in our community and church. Join our e-mail list by e-mailing Sunshine at
Upcoming Events
Nov 21 after 2nd service: put up Holiday Tree and potluck