Sunday, April 19, 2009

Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 25th, 9pm: Come see John Walker and the Hitchhikers, in Tacoma at the Warehouse!

Saturday, May 16th: Bar-B-Que Meet and Greet...and if its nice, we'll play boccie ball! Bring a dish to share, we'll provide the meat and veggie burgers. Childcare will be available, but please RSVP by May 6th! E-mail Sunshine at

Thursday May 21st: Mariners Game! Tickets only $10! Emily is purchasing tickets for our group so please e-mail her at: as soon as possible if you want tickets!

Weekly Monday Yoga (women only class!) cost $10: Are you interested in a Zen moment...but want to work every muscle in your body at the same time? Come take a Yoga class taught but our beloved Katie Hardin! Several of us go every week! Contact Katie for details:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Painting Cancelled!

I found out on Sunday that the painting next weekend has been canceled. Boo!

Wine and Cheese!

Clearly, we had a blast!